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Minimum Industry Safety Training (MIST) OPITO Approved

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To make a booking, please choose one of the following dates:

Precise venue to be confirmed closer to the date of the course.

Course Name:

Minimum Industry Safety Training (MIST) OPITO Approved

Course Price:

€ 585

Short Description:

2-day offshore safety course is a requirement for all new entrants to the Offshore Oil & Gas Industry. OPITO Approved

Course Type:

Offshore & Renewable Courses

Full Description:

This course is designed to give delegates the basic industry safety training knowledge required while working offshore.

1. Major Accident Hazards
2. Workplace Hazards & Personal Safety
3. Risk Management
4. Control of Work
5. Helicopter Safety

N.B.-On the first day of the course, please be in the Reception area of the NMCI by 8.45am.
The course will finish at approximately 6pm each day.

Please note, joining instructions are sent to all delegates in advance of training. If your company has made a booking on your behalf, joining instructions will be sent directly to the booker. These should be forwarded to you. If you do not receive your joining instructions at least 2 days in advance of the course, please contact our admin team.


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