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Online Crew Resource Management 3.0

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Course Name:

Online Crew Resource Management 3.0

Course Price:

€ 1300.00

Short Description:

The Crew Resource Management 3.0 course is an Instructor-led course that is delivered remotely via video conference over a total of 12 hours over a number of days. 

Course Type:

Petrochemical, Oil and Commodities

Full Description:

GAC Training & Service Solutions has launched flexible on-line courses, open to both group and individual bookings, hosted by the Chevron Shipping Centre of Learning & Development in Glasgow, Scotland.

The Crew Resource Management 3.0 course is an Instructor-led course that is delivered remotely via video conference over a total of 12 hours over a number of days.  It begins by reminding attendees of why CRM was first introduced into the airline industry by looking at the events that occurred in Tenerife at Los Rodeos airport in 1977 as an openly discussed Case Study.  CRM subsequently evolved into other areas, shipping being one of a number of high-risk industries that now incorporates it into their daily culture.  It moves through the guiding Human Performance principles, identifying that people make mistakes.  With HP at its core, the course examines how Attitudes shape Behaviour.  The CRM behaviours are packaged as a toolkit consisting of Attitude, Behaviour and a CRM Wheel consisting of nine tools (three tools in each of three areas).   

The three areas of CRM behaviours studied on this course are: 

•           Communication (with its tools of Thinking Aloud, Closed Loop Communication and Briefing/Debriefing) 

•           Leadership (with its tools of Leadership Style, Standing Back and Monitoring) 

•           Decision Making (with its tools of Situational Awareness including Awareness Risk & Threat models, Challenge & Response and Short Term Strategy).   

Using an inclusive conversational approach, each of the tools are introduced and discussed in turn.  During the course, an additional two Case Studies from the Case Study Workbook are examined in detail, with the relevant CRM behaviours that contributed to the incident being highlighted. 

During the final session, an Assessment of CRM knowledge is made using interactive polling software.  A Case Study is set for analysis of CRM behaviours by each attendee individually on completion of the course; this is to be returned to the Instructor for their review within a set timeframe.